
M. Bergmann Quartett © DavidRynkowski / Die Kombinaten © Artist
Adventsblasen mit: Die Kombinaten // Matthias Bergmann Quartett // JazzRock Ensemble der HfMT Köln
2G+ Regelung // Geimpft oder Genesen + zusätzlich tagesaktueller Antigen-Schnelltest
After the streaming variant 2020, 3 Cologne live bands are allowed to present themselves again this year for the traditionally colorful Advent blowing. The Jazz Rock Ensemble of the University of Music and Dance will start with a John Scofield tribute to his 70th birthday. This will be followed by the band of trumpeter Matthias Bergmann, who will present the music from the new album "Pretend It's A City" for the first time, before Die Kombinaten will play music from their new album "Lautwort", which was also released this year.
JazzRock Ensemble of the HfMT Cologne - "Sco zum 70sten" (Sco for the 70th)
Donovan Tusk git
Manuel Breitzke git
Philipp Schaefer bass
Joshua Knauber drums
Matthias Bergmann Quartett - CD Release "Pretend It's A City
Matthias Bergmann tp, flgh
Hanno Busch git
Cord Heineking bass
Jens Düppe drums
The Kombinaten - playing "Lautwort
Thorsten Neubert voc, git
Sebastian Ellerich git, voc
Tim Rashid bass
Marcel Kolvenbach drums, voc
Donovan Tusk (guitar), Manuel Breitzke (guitar), Philipp Schaefer (bass), Joshua Knauber (drums), Matthias Bergmann (trumpet, flugelhorn), Hanno Busch (guitar), Cord Heineking (bass), Jens Düppe (drums), Thorsten Neubert (vocals, guitar), Sebastian Ellerich (guitar, vocals), Tim Rashid (bass), Marcel Kolvenbach (drums, vocals)
Jazz, Pop, Rock
concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00
15 €/10 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees.
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