Late Night

Cologne Internäschenell pres. The Grand Piep Show
Der VVK ist beendet. Restkarten sind an der Abendkasse ab 18 Uhr erhältlich // Nachholtermin vom 26.02.2022 - bereits gekaufte Karten behalten ihre Gültigkeit.
A large flock of birds heads south, every year. Carnival is celebrated in Cologne, every year.
It's been almost three winters now that we could celebrate the carnival free flight together. On carnival saturday, 18.02.23, the time has finally come and we invite you to the collective courtship dance under the freely interpretable motto "THE GRAND PIEP SHOW"! Fluff up your iridescent feathers and nestle with us in the Stadtgarten on four floors. What will happen when the cage door is open, nobody knows for sure. But one thing is for sure: there will be excessive chirping, snickering and plenty of barking.
We have built the right nest for you: house and disco sounds will be hatched in JAKI, upstairs in the concert hall you will find perfect conditions for birding, which means nothing else than "bird watching": the flamingos of Sachsentrance and Club Heart Broken will scare you up and turn the tropical birdhouse into a madhouse beyond the 140 wing beats per minute. In the restaurant you can listen to cologne chirping and in the green room the Rutfront bird flock spreads its feathers under the open sky. For the nestlings among us who are not yet fledglings, there will be a particularly cozy nest in the lounge.
These birds of paradise present their most magnificent plumage:
Sachsentrance | Club Heart Broken | Wolfram | Brutalism Disco Café | Danny Dolce b2b Gianni La Bamba | AMSL | Hade | Cologne Sessions DJs | Rutfront DJs | No Service DJ-Team & many more
House, Techno, Disco, Kölsche Tön
all area Start 18:00
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