DiversCityTag: Steven Ouma Band
Das Konzert ist bestuhlt - Es erfolgt eine feste Sitzplatzvergabe durch unser Einlasspersonal auf Grundlage der aktuellen Verordnungen. Die Mund-Nasen-Bedeckungspflicht gilt auch auf den Sitzplätzen während des Konzerts. Die geltenden Hygienevorschriften im Haus sind zu beachten.
Steven Ouma (vocals, guitar), comes from a family of musicians in Mombasa (Kenya) and has played with Mombasa Roots, Rafiki Sound, Africa Bora Sound and others. His band from Cologne combines African rhythms and European elements in a rousing mixture. Steven Ouma sings in his mother tongue Kiswahili about the various problems that life has in store for him - whether in Africa or in Europe.
What Steven Ouma appreciates about music is that pedigree and skin colour don't matter and it brings people together from all over the world.
Steven Ouma (vocals), Nely Daja (vocals), Mandjao Fati (guitar/vocals), Martin Kübert (keys/accordion/viola/vocals), Bernd Keul (bass guitar/vocals), Max Serges (percussion), Heiko Thurm (drums)
World Music
concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00
12 €/8 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 12 €/8 € red. Box Office
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