
Gerd Dudek © Gerhard Richter

Farewell: Gerd Dudek

Das Konzert am 24.01. ist ausverkauft, für den Saal sind keine Karten mehr erhältlich. Daher machen wir eine Übertragung (Bild + Ton) ins Foyer und Restaurant. Alle Interessierten sind eingeladen, dort kostenlos dabei zu sein.

On November 3, 2022, Gerd Dudek died at the age of 84. The saxophonist was considered one of the most important voices of European jazz - among others as a member of the Kurt Edelhagen Big Band, as a co-founder of the legendary Globe Unity Orchestra or in collaborations with Joachim Kühn, Lester Bowie or Kenny Wheeler. As a member of the Manfred Schoof Quintet, he was instrumental in the development of European free jazz since the 1960s.

The Farewell Evening in the Stadtgarten is dedicated to the outstanding musician, a farewell concert, arranged by and with long-time companions and friends.

Tue, 24.01.2023
Concert Highlight!

Leszek Żądło (saxophone), Paul Heller (saxophone), Heiner Wiberny (saxophone), Ryan Carniaux (trumpet), Jaspar van’t Hof (piano), Martin Sasse (piano), Martin Gjakonovski (bass), Christian Ramond (bass), Clark Tracey (drums), Wolfgang Lackerschmid (vibraphone)


concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00

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