

Shortly before its 20th anniversary year, the Cologne Contemporary Jazz Orchestra invites the Argentine saxophonist, arranger and composer Gabriel Perez, a companion from the very beginning. His own always humorous sound language combines classical big band elements with traditional Argentinean folklore and makes him one of the most popular arrangers throughout Europe. Awarded the WDR Jazz Prize, among others, he leads the Jugendjazzorchester NRW and teaches at the Folkwang University in Essen. In 2004 he recorded the highly acclaimed CD "La Banda Grande feat. David Liebman" with the CCJO. Tonight's concert will feature a mixture of new and old works.

This concert is part of the series Komponistenlandschaft NRW and is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Science NRW.

Sun, 07.11.2021
Concert Highlight!

Gabriel Perez (arrangements, conductor), Jan Schneider, Christian Winninghoff, Matthias Knoop, Matthias Bergmann (trumpet), Peter Schwatlo, Andreas Schickentanz, Ben Degen, Wolf Schenk (trombone), Marko Lackner, Frank Sackenheim, Niels Klein, Matthew Halpin, Marcus Bartelt (trombone), Johannes Behr (guitar), Jürgen Friedrich (piano), Volker Heinze (bass), Jens Düppe (drums)

Jazz (Big Band), Folklore

concert hall Start 18:00 Doors 17:00

18 €/12 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees.

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