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IN BETWEEN SPACES: Mediterranean Crossings
Themenabend / Diskussion / Reflexionsraum
"Black Med" (Sonic Lecture by Invernomuto / Milan)
Prof. Iain Chambers (Università di Napoli, l'Orientale): "The Migrating Mediterranean: Music as Method"
"Seefeuer / Fuocoammare" (excerpts from the film by Gianfranco Rosi)
Dr. Ida Danewid (SOAS University of London): "B(O)rdering the Empire: Carceral Networks and the Black Mediterranean"
more to be announced
Against the background of current debates on migration and identity, the second evening of "IN BETWEEN SPACES: Mediterranean Crossings" is dedicated to the Mediterranean region of multi-layered cultural penetrations. The theme evening confronts the "theoretical-poetical" view of the cultural scientist Iain Chambers, who constructs the Mediterranean as a fluid and culturally hybrid meeting place of Arab, Latin, Jewish and African cultures, with a current consideration of the migration movements between Africa and Europe and the mechanisms of the European border regime.
The Sonic Lecture "Black Med" by the Italian artist duo Invernomuto follows in the footsteps of Paul Gilroy's "Black Atlantic" the musical and cultural currents and connections that cross the Mediterranean in all directions. Excerpts from the documentary "Seefeuer" / Fuocoammare", which won the Berlinale Golden Bear in 2016, show the parallel universes of the local population and the arriving refugees and migrants* on Lampedusa. Lectures, film excerpts, a sonic lecture, conversations and discussions open up a space for reflection in which contemporary "post-racial cosmopolitan fantasies" can be viewed in the light of real material conditions and power structures and vice versa.
A cooperation of ZAM Zentrum für Aktuelle Musik e.V. with the Akademie der Künste der Welt / Cologne and the European Centre for Jazz and Contemporary Music in the Stadtgarten.
Supported by the TURN Fund of the Federal Cultural Foundation
Presented by
WDR COSMO & City Review
Sonic Lecture, Vortrag, Film, Town Meeting
concert hall Start 20:00
Free admission
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