Jazz at Green Room: TRIBE
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Make up dates of 01/18/21 & 03/17/2021 - all previously purchased tickets remain valid.
Tricky compositions, breathtaking improvisations, sometimes tender - mostly fat and always insane! A wild mixture, located in the paradoxical field of jazz, docked to hip hop, R'n B, dubstep, pop and rock! Periphery and center, emotionality and pure energy, complexity and listening pleasure go hand in hand. The improvisational playing frenzy of this electro-acoustic formation, in which John-Dennis Renken brings together five of the very finest protagonists of contemporary jazz, resembles a chemical reaction: compression, fusion, explosion.... Music!
table for 2: 20,00 €
Table of 4: 40,00 €
John-Dennis Renken (trumpet, electronics), Angelika Niescier (alto saxophone), Klaus Heidenreich (trombone), Andreas Wahl (guitar), Bernd Oezsevim (drums)
Jazz, Pop, Improvisation, Hip-Hop
GREEN ROOM Start 18:00 Doors 17:00
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