Jens Düppe Quartett feat. Francesco Bearzatti © Mark-Steffen Göwecke
Jens Düppe Quartett feat. Francesco Bearzatti
CD-Release Tour
The sound is more interesting and colorful than ever! Jens Düppe is back with original ideas and a new album, the fourth with his band, this time as a quintet. Francesco Bearzatti, Italy's star saxophonist and currently one of the most important driving forces in the country's jazz scene, is a long-time friend of Düppe's and part of the team. Jens Düppe conceives the compositions on the new album for ever-changing line-ups of his award-winning fellow musicians. The result is a captivating flow of ever new sounds and structures. Timeless music, says the press.
The band around the Cologne drummer and WDR Jazz Prize winner has now been in existence for ten years and has been convincing right from the start. Even their first album elicited reactions such as "A leading light for modern jazz" (Midwest record) or "best European jazz" (Jazzpodium). In 2018, Düppe was nominated for the ECHO Jazz award as "best drummer nationally". Together with his colleague Frederik Köster (trumpet), Lars Duppler (piano) and Christian Ramond (bass), the band performs so strongly as a whole that the live press cannot help but describe the concerts as "breathtaking sound adventures" (Holsteiner Courier) or simply as "happenings" (Westfälische Nachrichten).
Jens Düppe (drums, composition), Francesco Bearzatti (saxophone), Frederik Köster (trumpet), Lars Duppler (piano), Christian Ramond (bass)
concert hall Start 18:00 Doors 17:00
22 €/12 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 25 €/15 € red. Box Office
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