
Theresia Philipp © Lukas Diller // Marilyn Mazur Quartett © Gert Rickmann-Wunderlich // Salomea © Ray Lozano
Klaeng Festival: Marilyn Mazur Quartett feat Norma Winstone // Theresia Philipp meets Jim Black & Simon Jermyn // Salomea
Open the windows, also at KLAENG! The festive Kla(e)ngbuch of the "Solo Edition" in the Corona year 2020 is now followed by the KLAENG Festival of Wide Views.
Marilyn Mazur special 4 feat. Norma Winstone
Glimpses into the adventurous worlds of Marilyn Mazur: Together with her "special four", longtime friends* and companions*, she takes you into her musical spaces, richly furnished with diverse rhythms, colorful moods and powerfully beautiful, profound melodies. As she did during a tour in 2018, the British Grand Lady Norma Winstone joins the group and enriches Marilyn Mazur's lyrical group concept with her vocal artistry.
Theresia Philipp meets Jim Black & Simon Jermyn
For Theresia Philipp there seem to be no limits when it comes to style. Whether with her own bands or as a guest of numerous ensembles: effortlessly she develops the cosmos of her sound art, grooving just as soulfully as she creates weightlessly driving sometimes intimate, sometimes avant-garde gripping dream formations. "I'm always looking for a way to freely narrate," she says. Now, with bassist Jim Black and drummer Simon Jermyn, she brings an all-new trio to the stage as KLAENG's resident project.
What a seductive bath in sounds! With Rebekka Salomea Ziegler and her band Salomea you wander through the complex labyrinth of their second album "Bathing in Flower". One is only too happy to follow her cleverly fanned and layered vocals, hear the familiar and the unheard, touch on beats, fusion, hip hop, trance and a pinch of singer-songwriter pop, only to realize at the end: Salomea can't really be described by anything, and certainly can't be compared to anything.
Norma Winstone (vocals), Marilyn Mazur (percussion, drums), Makiko Hirabayashi (piano), Jakob Buchanan (flugelhorn), Klavs Hovman (bass), Theresia Phillip (alto saxophone), Jim Black (bass), Simon Jermyn (drums), Rebekka Salomea Ziegler (vocals), Yannis Anft (keyboard), Oliver Lutz (bass), Leif Berger (drums)
concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:30
25 €/12 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 28 €/12 € red. Box Office
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