Das Konzert ist bestuhlt - Es erfolgt eine feste Sitzplatzvergabe durch unser Einlasspersonal auf Grundlage der aktuellen Verordnungen. Die Mund-Nasen-Bedeckungspflicht gilt auch auf den Sitzplätzen während des Konzerts. Die geltenden Hygienevorschriften im Haus sind zu beachten.
KUF are back with a really special new album! 'Re:Re:Re' is an expansion of the band's approach to sampling: this time Macro's back catalogue provides the sampling source for the band. The result is a band exploring and resonating with diverse and alien sound material, reworking tracks by artists who are part of Macro's universe.
Expect a high energy trip and a unique live performance!
Electronic / acoustic wonder band KUF deliver a special surprise for their third album: eleven sizzling hot takes on tracks drawn from the Macro label's stellar catalog, as originally crafted by some of today's most respected artists in electronic music. KiNK, Patrick Cowley, Peter Kruder (of K&D), Stefan Goldmann, rRoxymore and more get the treatment. With a nod to the label's previous highly original compilations and mixes from the Macrospective and Vinylism series, Re:Re:Re captures more new ground. KUF's previous albums presented an astonishing inversion of the typical extended electronic set up, in that they paired a plethora of disembodied, sampled voices with acoustic real time interaction on bass, drums and keys.
Re:Re:Re shifts the focus of sampling altogether to scanning entire tracks and compositions which are then reimagined with the band's singular approach. Neither just remixes, nor faithful reproductions, KUF engage in careful sound archaeology. From reprogramming key sounds to holistic granular deconstructions, the originals's sound palettes are reproduced to serve as a springboard towards entirely new instalments. The resulting tracks range from intimate ballads to full power dance floor movers, spanning a highly engaging arc of sheer listening pleasure.
Tom Schneider (synth, sampler), Valentin Link (bass), Hendrik Havekost (drums)
concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00
18 €/12 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees.
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