Late Night

My Secret Garden

_queer party for indie music lovers_

"My Secret Garden goes Jaki" ! The legendary Kellerclub (directly under the Stadtgarten at Hans-Böckler-Platz) was still called STUDIO672. Shortly afterwards it was completely rebuilt and redesigned and is now called JAKI. We are totally happy to be able to celebrate our My Secret Garden Party there with you at the end of the year. And we are also proud, because indie sounds are very rarely heard there. Therefore it means for all of us: on to new shores! Indie, Wave and 80s come from our resident DJs Action!Mike + DJ Reptile. And since their new system is so easy to install, we invited Nikki Nice as a special guest this time. She has some nice house tunes for you in her luggage:

[Box and the twins, My Secret Garden]

[Living On Video, My Secret Garden]

and Special-Guest NIKKI NICE
[former homolulu, 3klang]

Fri, 27.12.2019
Late Night

House, Indie, 80er, Wave

jaki Start 23:30 Doors 23:30

10 € Box Office

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