
NICA live: Totenhagen

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Laura Totenhagen presents the new setup and program of her band "Totenhagen" with Leif Berger, Stefan Schönegg and Felix Hauptmann, which developed in big parts over the the last lockdown.

The band formed in 2015 and released two acoustic-like albums so far (Foliage (2017 on Toy Piano Records) and Yonic (2019 on KLAENGrecords) under their own direction. At the Green Room, Totenhagen will showcase themselves in improvised, song-like, electronic structures and textures, giving an emotional and exciting taste of their future plans.

Table for 2: 10,00 €
Table for 4: 20,00 €

Mon, 09.08.2021
Concert Highlight!

Laura Totenhagen (vocals), Stefan Schönegg (bass), Felix Hauptmann (synthesizer), Leif Berger (drums)

Jazz, Contemporary Jazz, Vocal Jazz

GREEN ROOM Start 20:00

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