Songlines mit Accidental Bird & Deauris
Nachholtermin vom 04.06.2021 - alle bereits gekauften Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit. Bitte beachten Sie die geltenden Hygiene- und Kontaktrückverfolgungsvorschriften. Halten Sie sich darüber hinaus weiterhin an die AHA-Regeln (Abstand halten, Hygiene beachten, Maske tragen) und bleiben Sie zu Hause, wenn Sie sich krank fühlen. Vielen Dank!
Accidental Bird is the new project of Stefan Honig.
After the end of the band HONIG was not clear at first whether and how it continues but then the songs came as if by itself and then you do not have to fight against it. The first album is almost finished and there you can also take the opportunity to play a real concert again. How did that go again?!!
The German-language chansons of the ukulele-equipped Deauris, who has no French background whatsoever, are born in moments of refusal to do anything else. In a wild chase of melodrama, platitude and kitsch, she fires invective at her own neurotic fears of the quicksand of complaisance. In between, everything is loved that is not at three on the palm.
Table for 2: 20,00 €
Table for 4: 40,00 €
Stefan Honig (vocals, guitar), Deauris (vocals, ukulele)
Singer-Songwriter, Folk, Pop
GREEN ROOM Start 20:00 Doors 19:00
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