
The Bad Plus © Evelyn Freja

The Bad Plus

When the first album of The Bad Plus was released in 2001, two covers of Abba and Nirvana started an uproar in the Jazz world. This instantly brought the band in the foreground where they still stand today. Now in their 21st year, The Bad Plus continues to push boundaries as founding members Reid Anderson (bass) and Dave King (drums) embark on a new piano-less incarnation of the band with Ben Monder (guitar) and Chris Speed (tenor saxophone) – instigating a new wave of excitement and anticipation within the band that is re-energizing their sound and inspiration. The Bad Plus have constantly searched to bridge genres and techniques while exploring the infinite possibilities of exceptional musicians working in perfect sync.

Sat, 07.06.2025

Reid Anderson (bass), Dave King (drums), Ben Monder (guitar), Chris Speed (tenor saxophone)


concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00

32 €/18 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees.

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