Late Night

((( LIVESTREAM ))) Tom-Tom Club feat. Ray Monero & Paul Effort

The stream for exchange, new discoveries, boundless and genre-free experiences of music intoxication.

This time featuring Ray Monero, who is not only working at our beloved JAKI, but also producing hits for another night full of regrets (FTP, Subwax, KROF and more)
and who he is one of the masterminds behind the GHETTO TRAXX label, which just announced their new release for later this year.
Inviting his brudamant Paul Effort, friend of the Cologne Sessions family and also known for his tunnel raves in Cologne’s south city.
Prepare for a classic b2b electro rave session with no boundaries and a 100% party guarantee.

Link coming soon!

Sa, 18.04.2020
Late Night

Ray Monero (dj)


JAKI Beginn 20:00

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