Mae Muller © Buzz White
Abgesagt: Mae Muller
Das Konzert muss leider abgesagt werden: Alle bereits gekauften Tickets werden erstattet.
"i hope you are doing good, and you're healthy and happy! i just wanted to reach out to you, unfortunately with some some not so stunning news. i have to cancel my upcoming shows in Europe due to reasons which are completely out of my control and i’m honestly devastated. i was so looking forward to seeing you guys, i’ve missed you so much, but when i do make it out to Europe i want these shows to be the shows you deserve. i’m sorry again, i love you guys so much and thank you for all your endless support. all tickets will get refunded, thank you for understanding ❤️
lots and lots of love,
mae x"
Eine Veranstaltung von Prime Entertainment.
Singer-Songwriter, Pop
JAKI Beginn 20:00 Einlass 19:30
17 € Vorverkauf Bitte beachten: Im Vorverkauf können je nach Anbieter Gebühren anfallen.
Für diese Veranstaltung gelten KEINE Stadtgarten-Cards
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