Late Night
Club Heart Broken feat. MAENDI / Galleur / Sedaction / Malugi
It feels surreal to announce that on the 22nd of October, Club Heart Broken is returning to its beloved mothership Jaki. 1,5 years of dating app doomscrolling are coming to an end and we are finally able to get rejected on the dancefloor again!
Club Heart Broken cordially invites all its devoted disciples to get baptized by beats and beverages containing a grotesque amount of taurine.
Featuring ecstatic, theophanic DJ sets by
MAENDI (Radio 80000)
Malugi (Club Heart Broken)
Galleur (Club Heart Broken)
Sedaction (Club Heart Broken)
Come early, stay late, and leave (spiritually) intoxicated
Electro, Garage, Dance-Pop
JAKI Beginn 23:00
12 € Vorverkauf Bitte beachten: Im Vorverkauf können je nach Anbieter Gebühren anfallen. 12 € Abendkasse
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