Late Night

c/o pop: 25 Jahre Kompakt

The legendary label from Cologne, Germany has been responsible for bringing artists like Michael Mayer, GAS/Wolfgang Voigt, Kölsch, Gui Boratto, Matias Aguayo, The Field, Superpitcher and DJ Koze to the eyes and the ears of the world over it’s 25 year run. 2018 has been celebrating this special anniversary for a few months now with events in Istanbul, Tbilisi, Berlin, Barcelona. KOMPAKT shall soon head to Marseille, Paris and Amsterdam.

For their home team match on September 1st (as part of the 15th edition of Cologne’s c/o pop Festival), KOMPAKT has invited a whole string of international artists that have strongly contributed to the first chapters of what has become established as the "Sound of Cologne". Beside the local ambassadors Michael Mayer, Tobias Thomas, Reinhard Voigt and Jörg Burger aka The Modernist, the »25 Years of KOMPAKT« party will return to its roots – the legendary Stadtgarten where 3 floors shall showcase live and DJ sets from Sascha Funke, T.Raumschmiere, Rex The Dog, Kaito, Schaeben & Voss, Jonas Bering, ADA, Coma, Gebr. Teichmann, Anton Kubikov, Joachim Spieth and Unland.

Tickets für das c/o pop Festival 2018 sind ausschließlich über die c/o pop erhältlich.

Weitere Infos unter:

Sa, 01.09.2018
Late Night

All Area Beginn 00:00

Tickets bestellen Festival-/Kombitickets

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