Late Night

Aroma Pitch © Mathias Schmitt
Public Possession pres. Aroma Pitch Album Release-Party feat. Aroma Pitch / Bell Towers / Marvin Schuhmann
2G+ Regelung // Geimpft oder Genesen + zusätzlich tagesaktueller Antigen-Schnelltest. Ihr könnt unser Testzentrum am Konzerteingang / Seite Bahndamm nutzen.
Powered by Cologne Sessions
Aroma Pitch (Public Possession, Cologne Sessions)
Bell Towers (Public Possession, Cocktail D’amore)
Marvin Schuhmann (Public Possession, München)
Iconic Live trio, DJs & Producers Aroma Pitch are back at JAKI to celebrate their debut Album on Public Possession. After having released their Maxi EP “Oxi Rain / Water Air Water” in August they are proud to present their follow up long player “Interlife”. Connecting the dots between multi faceted musical influences this Album is bringing together a long legacy of headphone listening to Jazz, jamming in Studios & Clubs, performing on Raves, soundtracking car rides and musically up-lifting daily lives.
For this special occasion they’ll also bring over the mighty dance music producer and DJ from Melbourne, Australia: Bell Towers. In his eight years as an artist/producer and a long-standing NTS resident — an output he self-describes as “file under 12”, intentionally laconic — BT has wriggled on various shades of house, 80s influenced pop and sample disco, released across respected labels like Public Possession, Internasjonal and Cocktail D’amore.
To round up the night we'll also celebrate another cologne debut with none other than Marvin Schuhmann – 1/2 masterminds behind the Public Possession empire.
House, Disco, UK, 80s Pop
JAKI Beginn 23:00 Einlass 23:00
12 € Vorverkauf Bitte beachten: Im Vorverkauf können je nach Anbieter Gebühren anfallen. 12 € Abendkasse
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