
Botticelly Baby © Martin Hinse
Ausverkauft: Botticelli Baby
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"Boah Tour 2023"
When the Doors were asked in the 60s how their music should be categorized, what genre, they said something like it was just music and went into the general soul of music perception. What band hasn't been asked what their music is called - the obvious ones, the ones who already said what they were doing, maybe not...
The only thing that is clear about Botticelli Baby is that most people who have been to one of their concerts will no longer be interested in the question of genre once they have seen seven musicians take to the stage and, after an hour or so, take their bows, drenched in sweat, and leave amazement in their wake.
There is a BOAH in the bulging room.
Age doesn't matter. No matter what they look like. Gender doesn't matter. What else do I hear - doesn't matter. It just needs an open mind, whether deeply hidden or obvious. Because there are many layers that make up this band.
Those who love music will experience musicians, those who want to laugh will laugh, those who want to dance will dance, those who are sad will cry or be comforted.
"Lovely ends winter,
lovely starts spring,
lovely ends love,
lovely starts hate,
lovely ends universe,
lovely starts soul"
In the years they have been playing, lovers have found each other, follow-up bands have been formed, records have been sold, cars have broken down and hotel pools have been tested. Stages have been sprayed with the track that is hard to believe.
The fourth studio album "BOAH" sets course for the earth's population and once again sweeps off its own dust. The body rises from the last few years and the warm bathtub into the scalding heat of presumed crowds of followers to bring everything to the boil again...Huh? Yes, come around and let it run.
Marlon Bösherz (bass, vocals), Alexander Niermann (trumpet), Christian Scheer (saxophone), Max Wehner (trombone), Jörg Buttler (guitar), Lucius Nawothnig (piano), Tom Hellenthal (drums)
Jazz, Gypsy Swing, Balkan Sound
jaki Start 20:00 Doors 19:30
17 € Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 20 € Box Office
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