Your way to Stadtgarten

Public Transport

The STADTGARTEN can best be reached by public transportation. Either use trains 3,4,5,12, or 15 and get off the subway on station Friesenplatz or use trains 3,4,5 to Hans Böckler-Platz. It is also possible to take the Deutsche Bahn regional trains to Westbahnhof.

For all those who have a KVB season ticket, JobTicket/Großkunden or Deutschlandticket, it is also possible to use one of the numerous KVB bicycles free of charge. More information can be found at:

By Car

Using the car the Stadtgarten can be most easily reached coming from the Innere Kanalstraße. If you come from the South take the Innere Kanalstraße until Venloer Straße and then take a right. Follow Venloer Straße. The Stadtgarten is on the left right behind the railroad bridge.If you come from the North, take the Innere Kanalstraße and turn to your right into the Subbelratherstraße. Take the first U-turn and go back crossing the Innere Kanalstraße. Just behind the railroad bridge a little road goes up a hill to your right . Follow the road for about 100 meters and then then take a right into Spichern Straße. Follow the road until Venloer Straße. The STADTGARTEN is on your right.

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