Neon Dilemma © Artist
Neon Dilemma: Stemeseder / Landfermann / Berger
With acoustic and electronic instruments, three protagonists of jazz-based improvisational music develop a discourse on the possibilities of contemporary interplay in historical instrumentation. Concepts and ideas of different geographical and temporal origins are transformed into new principles of order that enable the ensemble to harmonize supposedly disparate musical elements. Thus, delicate contrapuntal and dancing polyrhythmic sound effortlessly next to raw sound towers, vehement chord clusters and simple songfulness.
Robert Landfermann (double bass), Elias Stemeseder (piano, syntheziser), Leif Berger (drums, percussion)
Jazz, Electro, Improvisation
concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00
22 €/12 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 25 €/15 € red. Box Office nur Kartenzahlung
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