
Nu Band © Karen Tweedy-Holmes

The Nu Band - Tour 2023

Nachholtermin vom 03.02.2022 - bereits gekaufte Karten behalten ihre Gültigkeit.

The Nu Band is a dynamic jazz ensemble from New York City that includes some of the most original and influential figures in creative music today. Since its inception in 1999, the group has released 10 CDs, toured Europe on 9 occasions, and played countless concerts throughout the United States, where its continually forward-looking, expressive music has been enthusiastically received by critics and audiences alike.

In addition to founding members Joe Fonda on upright bass and Lou Grassi on drums, the band includes trumpeter Thomas Heberer and guitarist Kenny Wessel. All 4 contribute original compositions to the repertoire, which have in common that they depict the tension between structure and improvisational freedom in ever new and exciting ways. All players bring decades of artistic know-how with them, lead their own bands, and are also much sought-after
sidemen of the New York music scene.

The current edition of the Nu Band focuses on artistic continuity - the musical vision of the former, now deceased, band members Mark Whitecage and Roy Campbell Jr. is omnipresent.

Wed, 01.02.2023
Concert Highlight!

Thomas Heberer (trumpet), Kenny Wessel (guitar), Joe Fonda (double bass), Lou Grassi (drums)


concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00

18 €/12 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 20 €/14 € red. Box Office

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