свобода і мир – Freedom and Peace / Solidaritätskonzert
24th Febraury 2023
свобода і мир - Freedom and Peace
A concert in solidarity with Ukraine and it’s music scene
Together with the Ukrainian musician Tamara Lukasheva, who lives in Cologne, we are organising a solidarity concert for the musicians living and working in Ukraine on the day the war began. The composer and singer is particularly concerned that, despite the sad occasion, the evening should be a coming together to celebrate life. To this end, she invites numerous musical companions as well as some of her Ukrainian colleagues whom we supported with funds and donations from our first solo concert (01.03.22). Some of them now live in Cologne and North Rhine-Westphalia. Also invited are four musicians from Odessa, whose permission to leave the country was not yet available at the time of going to press. The latest news can be found on our website. All proceeds will be donated. The concert will be accompanied live by WDR 3 and broadcast on the radio.
Solidaritätskonzert am 24.02.2023
свобода і мир – Freiheit und Frieden / Solidaritätskonzert
Verwandte Themen свобода і мир - Freedom and Peace // Solidarity Concert Acknowledgement - свобода і мир - Freedom and Peace // Solidarity Concert GREEN ROOM 2023