
JAPANIC © Bleicker
Aki Takase JAPANIC
"Music is my language - I speak through music." (Aki Takase)
The fact that music is sometimes perceived and understood as a language speaks for a close relationship between the two forms of expression. It is no coincidence that the word "musical language" has entered the general vocabulary. It can also convey content that is verbally "inexpressible". And it is not uncommon for the image of the instrument to be used as a kind of extended mouthpiece that conveys what is inside to the outside world. Then again, there are words that have a musical effect thanks to their onomatopoeic character and the pure sound alone allows the linguistic meaning to be guessed at. "Forte" is one of these.
JAPANIC. A word that doesn't actually exist. But a play on words has helped it to exist. And if you want to, you can discover a lot in it. For example, the beautiful little word "yes", which can signal positive things in the sense of: yes, we can! Two letters that also make up the first half of the word "jazz" - and to take the wind out of the sails of any doubters: The music of Japanics Forte i s jazz. Then, of course, the word construct refers to Aki Takase's origin, Japan. And, last but not least, it contains that "panic", that touch of panic that overtakes us in the face of the status quo of Mother Earth and which the group called Japanic wants to counteract with Forte.
Aki Takase (piano), Daniel Erdmann (tenor saxophone), DJ IllVibe aka Vincent v Schlippenbach (turntables), Carlos Bica (bass), Dag Magnus Narvesen (drums)
Improvisation, Avantgarde, Modern
concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00
22 €/12 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 25 €/15 € red. Box Office nur Kartenzahlung
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