
Alles muss raus © ACBTY
Alles muss raus: Liv Alma // Quinn Oulton // Bufiman
2G+ Regelung // Geimpft oder Genesen + zusätzlich tagesaktueller Antigen-Schnelltest
Quinn Oulton (London, UK)
Quinn Oulton celebrates the holistic approach. The young South Londoner is a multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter and producer. So it's no surprise that these different musical roles make him a careful sound shaper. Oulton devises intricate compositions that he enriches with ethereal, crystalline synth facets and grounds with the help of laid-back grooves. You can hear that the Brit's musical roots are deep in jazz in his tracks, even when he lets his head voice swing through lo-fi soul and dubstep clouds. This creates an immersive depth that reveals itself especially in the interplay with his live musicians.
LIV ALMA creates a world of its own in a mixture of electro-acoustic indie pop and rock, in which the innermost thoughts and feelings are shamelessly brought out into the open. With a fine mixture of acoustic and electronic sounds the band creates a magical intensity - at the same time tender and fragile, in the next moment energetic, noisy and relentless. Brand new founded the band presents their songs for the first time on 4.12.2021.
Jan Schulte aka Bufiman is a disc jockey, producer, dancer, rhythm enthusiast and Jew's harp player from Düsseldorf, Germany. Never content with musical stereotyping, he produces under various alter egos such as Wolf Mueller, Bufiman Wolf Mueller, Bufiman or even Diskoking Burnhart McKoolski. While Wolf Mueller's mysterious Krauty records feel more like a lesson in German "bongo funk" (Aaron Coultate, RA) with their live percussion and delayed rhythm guitars, Bufiman's records combine tribal disco grooves with pounding bass drums and massive hi-hats, while his drum-heavy reworks as DB McKoolski fetch horrendous prices on the black market for Edits Des Amateurs.
An event by acbty:
Soul, Indie, Funk, Rock, Dubstep, Lo-Fi
concert hall Start 19:30 Doors 19:30
10 €/8 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees.
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