
AUSVERKAUFT: Christina Lux

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Christina Lux stands for great music, clever philosophical-poetic observations and alert, clear images in her lyrics. Her warm, approachable voice makes the permeably arranged songs snapshots in a time when pausing is becoming increasingly rare. Lux's music is luminous songwriter folk pop, with unexpected chord changes and plenty of room for atmosphere.

Lux is a shining light in the sea of songwriters. She makes no secret of a clear attitude in her music and her announcements. For her, showing her colors is part of being an artist. "Music is a way to make things audible. It organizes and looks behind the scenes. It is a tool and a mouthpiece. It plumbs depths and flights of fancy. I am one who is searching. After that, absolutely no more fooling myself. That's why I write. To become so honest with myself that I don't have to fool anyone."

In August 2018, the album Leise Bilder, which she wrote and produced together with her longtime companion Oliver George, was awarded the German Record Critics' Prize as one of the artistically outstanding new releases. Her song Was zählt für Dich will be awarded the Liederbestenliste song prize in 2020. She is currently working with Oliver George on a new album, which will be released in summer '21.

Lux is a wonderful guitarist and singer who celebrates her music so anew with impressive presence at each of her concerts. With her companion Oliver George on drums, guitars & vocals, they both engage with each other with great joy in playing and it is amazing how space-filling and intense just two musicians can be. The touching musicality and range of Christina Lux & Oliver George is unusual. Unusually good.

Table for 2: 20,00 €
Table for 4: 40,00 €

Thu, 01.07.2021
Concert Highlight!

Christina Lux (guitar, vocals), Oliver George (drums, guitar, vocals)

Singer-Songwriter, Folk, Pop

GREEN ROOM Start 20:00 Doors 19:00

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