
Blaupause: Zukunftsmodelle der freien Szenen

IFM e.V. (Initiative Freie Musik, Köln) lädt ein zum Symposium - Dialoge, Vorträge, Keynotes

Alone you are faster, together you get further?
What can effective solidarity in art and culture look like? In the field of tension between competition and solidarity in the independent art and culture scene, "Blaupause" asks about artistic approaches to thinking of society in terms of solidarity and art as a social field of action. You can find the program here.

1 - 3 pm
Welcome and impulses
New Solidarities Dr. Alexandra Manske (Sociologist)
Art, work and social security Lisa Basten (ver.di trade union secretary, head of "Art & Culture")
Cultural society as a perspective? Steve Valk (dramaturge and cultural activist, Institute for Social Choreography) - in English

16 - 18 hrs Dialogue round: Competition & Solidarity
How can social solidarity be meaningfully thought about and effectively practiced in art and culture? Are artists and creative workers in the same boat as other solo self-employed people? Which structures can be better changed together?

4 - 6 p.m. Dialogue round: Representation of interests
It can be worthwhile to jointly lobby for better funding and working conditions. The dialogue round asks about the possibilities and limits of these processes: Where do effective representation models emerge, what are their tasks, goals and strategies, what can be achieved, where are larger mergers worthwhile?

16 - 18 h Dialogue Round: Artistic Freedom & Social Purposes
Thematically focused funding programmes or political impact and relevance of artistic work? The dialogue round examines which strategies, role models and contradictions result from this, for example whether artistic-aesthetic freedom is undermined by political framework conditions.

18.30 - 20 h Panel: Me or We?
At the end of the day, a panel with ambassadors from the afternoon's dialogue rounds will bring together the most important results of these rounds, and together we will continue to think.

22 - 24 h Late Note Franco "Bifo" Berardi
in English language
The Italian philosopher Franco "Bifo" Berardi, born in Bologna in 1949, was formerly active in the revolutionary Autonomia movement in Italy and has long been working on the intertwining of communication, psychology and economics. He sees in the pandemic the chance to revive the future as a space of possibility and to design new decentralized forms of political self-empowerment and social relations.

Program conception: Anke Eckardt, Thomas Gläßer & Georg Dietzler

Production management: Therese Schuleit
Public relations: Georg Dietzler
Graphics: Christa Marek
Streaming: 674FM

An event of the Initiative Freie Musik, Cologne / IFM e.V. in cooperation with KulturNetzKöln, Europäisches Zentrum für Jazz und Aktuelle Musik Stadtgarten, ON - Neue Musik Köln, Koalition der Freien Szene Berlin, Koalition der Freien Szene Frankfurt, Das Bündnis / Bündnis für eine gerechte Kunst- und Kulturarbeit Baden Württemberg - media partner Stadtrevue.

The symposium is sponsored by the Landschaftsverband Rheinland and the Cultural Office of the City of Cologne.

Fri, 24.09.2021
Word Highlight!

Vorträge, Arbeitsgruppen, Panels

concert hall Start 13:00 Doors 12:30

Free admission

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