
Christina Lux feat. Oliver George

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Lux makes no secret of her clear attitude that is reflected in her music and announcements. For her, confessing her true self is part of being an artist: "Without empathy, everything is nothing. If I can remind myself of what I never want to forget through my music, then that works for me."
She is a real shining light in the sea of songwriters*.
In August 2018 the album "Leise Bilder" was awarded the German Record Critics' Prize as one of the most artistically outstanding new releases. Her current song "Was zählt für Dich" (What counts for you) has landed at number 1 on the best song list from August to October 2019.

Christina Lux' intense and warm voice tells stories about encounters and snapshots. Inside and outside. She observes, admires the weird and beautiful things in life, always in search of what lies beneath the surface. She finds touching images in her music and her words and makes a deeply relaxed transition from pure song to jazz. Furthermore she is a great guitarist, who brings across her alert, cheeky and deeply philosophical thoughts in her songs and announcements.

With her companion Oliver George on drums, guitar and vocals she produced the current and ninth album "Leise Bilder" (Quiet Pictures). In concert, both of them interact with each other through great joy of playing and it is astonishing how room-filling and intense these two musicians* can be. Christina Lux switches between her English and German language songs effortlessly.

The touching musicality and range of Christina Lux is unusual. Unusually good.

Wed, 04.03.2020

Christina Lux (vocals, guitar), Oliver George (drums, guitar, vocals)

Singer-Songwriter, Jazz, Pop

concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00

18 €/12 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 18 €/12 € red. Box Office

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