Global Day / Cologne Film Festival
Das Konzert ist reihenbestuhlt - es erfolgt eine feste Sitzplatzvergabe über den Vorverkauf bzw. die Abendkasse sowie die Kontaktdatenerfassung zur Rückverfolgbarkeit. Die Mund-Nasen-Bedeckungspflicht gilt auch auf den Sitzplätzen während des Konzerts. Die geltenden Hygienevorschriften im Haus sind zu beachten.
Today, moving image content and modern AV media are indispensable means of communication - also for development policy actors*. After all, digital social media campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter offer completely new opportunities when it comes to reaching a large public, informing people and mobilising them on an emotional level to take action. With its 17 goals for sustainable development, Agenda 2030 is a global action plan that appeals not only to states and organizations but also to every individual to take action for a sustainable world. But how does storytelling work as a tool for achieving the sustainability goals? How do activists successfully use AV media and what are the needs and opportunities in the partner countries? At the GLOBAL DAY, activists from Germany and Africa present strategies, current projects and best practice cases
These days moving images and modern audiovisual media are an indispensable form of communication - for development political actors, too. Digital social media campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter present entirely new chances to reach a wide audience, to inform the public and to reach people on an emotional level and mobilise them into action. The Agenda 2030 with its 17 goals for a sustainable development is a global action plan not only addressed to states and organisations, but to every single person who can act to make the world more sustainable. But how does storytelling work as a means to reach sustainability goals? How can activists use audiovisual media successfully and what are the demands and possibilities in the partner countries? At the GLOBAL DAY actors from Germany and Africa present strategies, current projects and best practice cases.
In cooperation with the Development Education in Germany (EBD) programme of Engagement Global and in collaboration with MISEREOR, Viva con Agua and Chiemsee
concert hall Start 14:00 Doors 13:00
Free admission
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