Grenzen der Aufklärung © Gesellschaft für kritische Bildung
Grenzen der Aufklärung. Der 7. Oktober und die Gegenwart des Antisemitismus
The three-day conference "Limits of Enlightenment. October 7 and the present of anti-Semitism" brings together introductory and in-depth contributions and is dedicated to the currently prevailing facets of anti-Semitism: Israel-related, Islamic, post-colonial and "progressive", but also right-wing and academic hostility towards Jews and Israel. The panels and lectures will shed light on anti-Semitism in the arts and cultural sector, at universities and at the United Nations (UN). In in-depth workshops, we will focus on the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict as well as the political-economic foundations and critical theory of anti-Semitism. In particular, the conference will discuss which theories can help to understand anti-Semitism, where the limits of educational work lie and what would contribute to combating this dangerous ideology.
Admission is generally free and open to the public. Registration is required for the workshops on Friday, June 21, some of which will take place in the NS Documentation Center, at anmeldung@kritischebildung.de.
The entire program and any changes can be found at www.kritischebildung.de
Press contact: presse@kritischebildung.de
Registration at: anmeldung@kritischebildung.de
The first day of the conference will consist mainly of introductory events. We will address the question of what anti-Semitism actually is, present what is probably the most important book on Israel's founding war in 1948 and the associated refugee problem and conclude with a discussion on anti-Semitism in the arts and culture.
3:00 pm
Arrival & welcome by the organizers
Introductory lecture: "What is modern anti-Semitism?" (Lars Rensmann, moderation: Marc Seul)
Book presentation: "1948. The first Arab-Israeli war" (Johannes Bruns, Ingo Elbe, Peter Kathmann, moderated by Katrin Henkelmann)
Panel discussion: "Anti-Semitism in the arts and culture" (Mia Alvizuri Sommerfeld, Jakob Baier, Lars Henrik Gass, Tom Uhlig, moderated by Werner Fleischer)
An event organized by the Society for Critical Education.
Podiumsdiskussion, Workshop
jaki Start 15:00 Doors 14:30
Free admission
Stadtgarten-Cards are NOT valid for this event
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