Grüne Podiumsdisskussion: Mobilitätswende jetzt – Neue Wege für Köln
Hardly any conversation with friends*, in the office or in the family is as hotly discussed in Cologne as the topic of traffic. What about diesel bans, cycle paths, speed limits, public transport and footpaths? How do we want to make mobility sustainable for all road users* in Cologne?
Impulse from Prof. Dr. Uwe Schneidewind with subsequent panel discussion:
- Henriette Reker, Lord Mayor of the City of Cologne
- Dr. Ute Symanski, departure bicycle
- Arndt Klocke, parliamentary group leader and transport policy spokesman for the Green parliamentary group in the NRW state parliament
- Prof. Dr. Uwe Schneidewind, President and Scientific Director of the Wuppertal Institute
- Moderation: Katharina Dröge, parl. Managing Director Green Parliamentary Group in the Bundestag