
Kuettner Crime Trio © Kuettner by Peter Lorber // Noll Read by Gerhard Richter
Jazz at Green Room: Michael Küttner's Undetected Crime Basic Trio
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Michael Küttner, no stranger in Germany when it comes to drums and percussion. For years he has been a constant factor in the German scene. Again and again he was to be heard with Michael Sagmeister, and many other well-known musicians and inspired with his playing.
Today he presents us his new project: "Michael Küttner's Undetected Crime".
Under this label different ideas will be realized.
Today the "BasicTrio" is presented.
The small instrumentation is chosen deliberately, because it opens up free spaces. At the same time it acts like a magnifying glass, under which the musicians are very contoured in the center. For the audience this becomes a pleasure, because it is precisely in the situation where the interaction between the musicians becomes especially important, precisely here that the essence of jazz happens, creative communication.
His long-time musical partner and companion Hugo Read on saxophone and on bass the young, extraordinary Conrad Noll are also part of the group. All 3 musicians are recognized personalities and masters of their instruments, Michael and Hugo are internationally at home on many stages. All three represent many different musical directions and styles, which they blend into an intense music influenced by European classical music, American jazz tradition, ethnic music and rhythms from Latin America and Africa. The trio's repertoire consists mostly of their own compositions, which leave a lot of room for improvisation, swinging and grooving, creating exciting atmospheres and captivating the listener and taking him on a musical journey. You may be curious!
Hugo Read (saxophone), Michael Küttner (drums), Conrad Noll (bass)
GREEN ROOM Start 18:00 Doors 17:00
12 €/8 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 12 €/8 € red. Box Office
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