
Rebecca Trescher © Sebastian Autenrieth
Jazz at JAKI: Rebecca Trescher NEW SHAPES quartet
Nachholtermin vom 15.01.22. Bereits gekaufte Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit.
A young generation of the German jazz scene goes ahead, takes a step back, dreams away and unleashes in a relaxed way. Subtle musical insights open up in the field of tension between composition, improvisation and interpretation. Rebecca Trescher moves compositionally between almost symphonic textures and yet allows them an intimate flexibility, which is expressed in the interplay with Jan Brill on drums, bassist Lukas Keller and guitarist Philipp Schiepek.
These are subtle and multifaceted compositions by the clarinetist, clearly structured as well as equally sensitively realized in melody, rhythm and tone. A process of the band as well as the pieces themselves, which Trescher captures in her scores and individual voices, creating space for associations and musical sound worlds.
Rebecca Trescher (clarinet, bass clarinet, composition), Philipp Schiepek (guitar), Lukas Keller (double bass), Jan Brill (drums)
jaki Start 20:00 Doors 19:30
12 €/8 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 12 €/8 € red. Box Office nur Kartenzahlung
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