
KLAENG Festival 2024 © KLAENGkollektiv
KLAENG Festival 2024
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Boundaries blur and genres collide - the 15th edition of the international KLAENG Festival presents the "now" of contemporary music from March 15 - 17 at Stadtgarten Köln.
Friday, 15.03.
Sanem Kalfa - Miraculous Layers
James Oesi - Solo
Malaby / Dumoulin / Ber
Sanem Kalfa Miraculous Layers
Sanem Kalfa is known for her ability to use her voice across a broad musical spectrum. Her technical prowess always goes hand in hand with a free emotional spirit in bold musical performances that touch the primal depths of the human soul. With her band Miraculous Layers, she has proven herself capable of traversing and balancing a stirring spectrum of human emotions, longings, fears and joys contained within and expressed by the human voice. Reactions and reviews speak of a captivating and touching portrayal of man's inner emotional journey. With Miraculous Layers, Kalfa brings together three truly powerful forces to musically delve deeper into these realms and uncover stories that speak to the audience's imagination.
Sanem Kalfa - vocals, cello, electronics
Tineke Postma - alto saxophone
Marta Warelis - piano
Sun Mi Hong - drums
James Oesi - solo
Double bassist James Oesi has been a familiar face in the world of classical and modern music since his arrival in the Netherlands in 2009. He is one of the few who focuses on the bass as a solo instrument. He performs his solo program with works by Bach, Rachmaninoff, Berio and Beethoven in concert halls as well as at festivals (e.g. Amsterdams Grachtenfestival, CrossLinx, November Music, Festival Classique and Wonderfeel). He has performed abroad at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival and toured South Africa and France.
James Oesi - double bass
Malaby / Dumoulin / Ber
Tony Malaby (Charlie Haden's Liberation Orchestra, Paul Motian's Electric Bebop Band, Mark Helias' Open Loose, Malaby/Sanchez/Rainey, Tamarindo), Jozef Dumoulin (Lidlboj, Octurn, Lilly Joel, The Red Hill Orchestra with Dan Weiss & Ellery Eskelin, Plug & Pray with Benoît Delbecq) and Samuel Ber (KARTET, Pentadox, Benoît Delbecq & The Multiplexers, Michael Attias European quartet, Stéphane Payen Soft Organic Music) explore a music of flow, impulses, textures, angles, memories, rotations, distances, intentions, expansions, territories, speeds, scale changes and intervals. Their penchant for playfulness drives them to redefine music at every moment.
Samuel Ber's compositions are akin to synecdoche: the imaginary realms they offer the trio are really just fragments of a larger and deeper vision that the trio creates, reveals and plays with through improvisations in real time. Their debut album Maps & Synecdoches was released in 2018.
Tony Malaby - tenor and soprano saxophone
Jozef Dumoulin - fender rhodes & keys
Samuel Ber - drums & composition
concert hall Start 19:00 Doors 18:00
30 €/16 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees.
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