Concert, Word

Lesung: Stefanie Sargnagel mit Support von Euroteuro

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"Stefanie Sargnagel is the most important Austrian author of the 21st century." - VICE

VICE Alps already wrote this at the end of 2013; at that time, Stefanie Sargnagel's debut work "Binge Living" had been published and became the surprise bestseller of the Austrian book Christmas business 2013. Numerous Austrian media hoisted the book onto their annual bestseller lists, and the listeners of the youth station fm4 even voted it book of the year. Hyped by feuilleton and hipster blogs alike, the first editions sold out within a very short time. With the second book "Fitness", published at the end of 2015, the leap to Germany also succeeded; the recipe is the same as for "Binge Living": Facebook statistics, crazy reports and illustrations (Sargnagel studies painting with Daniel Richter at the Academy of Fine Arts) are condensed into a powerful stream of consciousness that develops a relentless staccato, exposing what in Steffi's eyes is lying, fake, inadequate or just plain hilarious. At the same time, Sargnagel also became a kind of left-wing figurehead around the publication of Fitness; her battles and beefs on Facebook with/against right-wing extremists and/or the FPÖ brought her hero status and are almost as legendary as her books.

"Her everyday observations, aphorisms and adolescent raps hit a nerve." - TAZ

"One could perhaps even say that, with the exception of Rainald Goetz and his online diary "Abfall für alle," she is the first German-language author who has found the form for herself on the Net that fits, that doesn't annoy, that works as literature." - Süddeutsche Zeitung

"The entries seem every time as if they were hingerotzt, perhaps they are - and yet the words and every non-existent punctuation mark sit perfectly." - DIE ZEIT

Euroteuro is a collective of musicians and artists around the songwriter and performer Peter T. They tour solo (e.g. supporting Voodoo Jürgens) or in a non-fixed line-up of live musicians Euroteuro are known for their dadaistic pop approach.

Tue, 05.07.2022

GREEN ROOM Start 20:00 Doors 19:00

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