
Leif Berger © Patrick Essex
NICA live: Gerhardus/Dawo/Berger
Aktuell ist im Green Room die Bewirtung an der Selbstbedienungstheke möglich, an der erfrischende Getränke geordert werden können. Essen können Sie im Restaurant vor den Konzerten - oder Sie ordern an unserer Speisenbar im Biergarten leckere Snacks.
For his next NICA live concert, Leif Berger meets two highly exciting improvisers. With Alex Dawo he shares a long history of music and friendship. However, this will be their first concert together in 4 years. With Valentin Gerhardus they could win one of Berlin's most exciting pianists and will meet him for the first time in a trio formation. This music is intuitive, honest and immediate!
Leif Berger (drums), Alexander Dawo (bass), Valentin Gerhardus (piano, synthesizer)
Jazz, Contemporary Jazz, Improvisation
GREEN ROOM Start 20:00 Doors 19:00
5 € Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 5 € Box Office nur Kartenzahlung
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