NICA presents Janning Trumann 4
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NICA presents ... the new artists
Starting in October, the six newly selected NICA artists will present musical ideas, visions, cooperations or discoveries under their own name in the concert series "NICA presents".
Janning Trumann, born 1990 in Uelzen, studied jazz trombone at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Cologne and New York University. The Cologne-by-choice trombonist and composer of his own ensembles can be heard throughout Germany. He is also active as curator of his own concert series in Cologne and speaker of the Cologne Jazz Conference.
In 2016 Janning Trumann won the renowned "J.J. Johnson Award" of the International Trombone Association ITA and was awarded the "Förderpreis Musik des Landes Nordrhein Westfalen 2016".
Janning Trumann is a musician who demonstrates like hardly any other that the tools of his trade and the intuitive spark of the gods are not enough to survive as a freelance jazz and improvisation musician. Born in 1990 in Lower Saxony, the trombonist has long been in demand internationally as an instrumentalist and playing partner in the various dimensions of contemporary jazz, who has proven himself with class, flexible tone and a good portion of empathy in many musical contexts, from the very small, more chamber-musical ones to the large orchestral ones.
But like hardly any other musician of his generation, the 2016 J.J. Johnson Award winner of the ITA International Trombone Association's J.J. Johnson Award, 2016, faces up to the realization that in jazz, artistic talent can only be effective if it is presented with the necessary care in an appropriate setting and if the environment, the scene in which it is performed, is suitable for it. By choosing Cologne as his musical home, trombonist, composer, producer and activist Janning Trumann has already calibrated his compass appropriately. In the stylistically diversified and high quality jazz scene he finds stimulation and inspiration for his own projects such as the Janning Trumann 4, the Janning Trumann Octet, TRILLMANN, MAKKRO or the Subway Jazz Orchestra and contributes to the creative bubbling. But beyond his musical work in the narrower sense of the word, by founding the label Tangible Music he has ensured that he can bring his music (and that of similarly inspired colleagues whom he supports in production if desired) to the public, independently of the music industry. In addition, he curates concert series in which he plays with guests from the current international scene, and as chairman of the Kölner Jazzkonferenz e.V. (Cologne Jazz Conference) he is committed to expanding the musical infrastructure in Cologne.
Jazz, Improvisation
concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00
Free admission
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