
Il Civetto © Joris Felix
Songlines mit Il Civetto
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The Berlin band il Civetto has reinvented itself in the spirit of pop - and fusion pop at that: Their universal blend breaks with Western cultural clichés.
Their social and political concerns are as important to them as the music itself. "Topics like climate change or gentrification automatically play a role for us," says Bollinger. "We are political people, and that can't be separated from our music at all." So it was a matter of finding a new language for this music. In their first single, "Rio-Reiser-Platz," released on the 25th anniversary of Rio Reiser's death, il Civetto playfully conveys the boundary markers of current gentrification discourses between leftist tradition and the turbo-capitalist present. Their new album is also inscribed with their shared insatiable longing for distance, just as the great "Neon Light" is inscribed with pop. "In the past, we never dared to profess our passion for pop so clearly," says Lars Löffler-Oppermann. That they have now summoned up this courage is good for all of us.
Leon Keiditsch (vocals, bass), Lars Löffler-Oppermann (saxophone, clarinet, synthesizer), Leon Bollinger (drums, percussions), Robert Kondorosi (guitar, vocals), Dany Ahmad (guitar, vocals)
Pop, Fusion
GREEN ROOM Start 20:00 Doors 19:00
12 €/8 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 12 €/8 € red. Box Office
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