
Svea Mausolf © Artist | Susi Bumms © Nicolas Epe
Talking Kaput #11: Svea Mausolf und Susi Bumms
mit Svea Mausolf und Susi Bumms
If the words "art scene" or even "art business" don't arouse at least a few flight impulses in you, you're suspect, aren't you? This evening, Susi Bumms and Svea Mausolf are guests on stage in Kaput magazine's talk and music series. Two Cologne artists on self-created trails that are increasingly becoming veritable boulevards. Between gallery and subculture, between media art and social media madness ... a pleasantly stirring conversation about breaking points and interfaces.
Music: Susi Bumms and Dax Werner play songs from their band The Screenshots in a duo acoustic outfit (premiere!).
GREEN ROOM Start 20:00 Doors 19:00
5 € Box Office
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