tempus perfectum by abstrakt.club
Das Konzert ist bestuhlt - Es erfolgt eine feste Sitzplatzvergabe durch unser Einlasspersonal auf Grundlage der aktuellen Verordnungen. Die Mund-Nasen-Bedeckungspflicht gilt auch auf den Sitzplätzen während des Konzerts. Die geltenden Hygienevorschriften im Haus sind zu beachten.
How many phase shifts is minimal music away from minimal techno? The six-part concert series tempus perfectum closes the circle between the avant-garde of yesterday and the club music of today. From October to December, the musicians* will reinterpret music from Ligeti to Jaki Liebezeit or Techno on two consecutive evenings each in Cologne and Wuppertal together with their turntable guests DJ Robert Smith, DJ Illvibe and Ignaz Schick. Experimental, adventurous and definitely danceable.
Find out more about abstrakt.club at http://www.abstrakt.club
Yannis Anft (piano/synthesizer), Sebastian Gille (saxophone/electronics), Christian Thomé (drums/electronics), Rebekka Salomea Ziegler (vocals/electronics), Robert Smith (dj), Raissa Mehner (guitar), Oliver Lutz (bass/synthbass)
beyond club music
concert hall Start 20:00 Doors 19:00
9 €/6 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 9 €/6 € red. Box Office
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