
Hippo Camus © Tonje Thilesen

Verlegt: Hippo Campus

Das Konzert muss leider auf den 11.05.2022 verlegt werden: Bereits gekaufte Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit.

In the years between BAMBI and LP3 in 2018, Hippo Campus - comprised of vocalists/guitarists Jake Luppen and Nathan Stocker, drummer Whistler Allen, bassist Zach Sutton, and trumpeter DeCarlo Jackson - have come of age in Minneapolis. Though the five have been friends since middle school and have released a string of studio releases since their inception, it's the new record, LP3, that is the most honest portrait of Hippo Campus.

What Hippo Campus wanted with LP3 was something all five agreed on, the way they made music in the early days of the band. As their success grew, they found that they compromised on their vision, thought about it, and how fans would interact with their music.

LP3, then, is their strongest and most complete work to date - a freshly colored portrait that excavates young adulthood and identity and, more importantly, how that personal identity fits into a larger camaraderie. It shows how growing up can feel like something that always moves past you as you try to grasp it and figure out what matters most. Through cinematic, tonal clarity, LP3 is a comprehensive account of courage and perseverance; tender stumbling that leads you down the right path after all.

A Prime Entertainment Event.

Sun, 06.02.2022

jaki Start 20:00 Doors 19:30

20 € Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees.

Stadtgarten-Cards are NOT valid for this event

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