Late Night
Tom-Tom Summer Splash 2023
Verschoben: Tom-Tom Summer Splash
Wegen der Wettervorhersage leider verschoben - der Nachholtermin ist der 26.08. Alle Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit.
The club may be taking a little summer break to gather new strength for the coming season - but the balmy summer evenings are just too inviting not to take advantage of them: We're moving the club outside for a day in the Green Room at Stadtgarten. Already during Corona times, the space was used for DJ sessions outside, now you can finally dance here - look forward to an afternoon & evening with:
☼ C:mone
☼ Sharlipseon
☼ Clifford
& more tba
Until 10:00 pm.
GREEN ROOM Start 14:00
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