
Bush Tetras © GODLIS
Foggy Notion: Bush Tetras
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Bush Tetras.
Bush Tetras have been making punk with a touch of reggae and rattling, noisy guitars for over four decades. The band originated around the New York punk club CBGBs. Over the years, it has risen again and again, alienating and perfecting its sound - yet Bush Tetras remains unique and indispensable. In the late 2010s, the group reformed and in 2018 released an EP titled Take the Fall - marking the return of new music from Bush Tetras after more than a decade.
July 2023 marks the release of the band's third official LP, They Live in My Head - a collection of songs that sometimes reflect on the past and sometimes reckon with our current reality. From "Ghosts of People," on which Pat Place's legendary guitar weaves its way through locked doors and portals, to the searing "2020 Vision," a no-nonsense call to take to the streets and do something, the album speaks to the new and the old, in both abstract and concrete ways. But whether they're looking forward or backward, Bush Tetras have always been a political band, a band that denounces all kinds of shit. And in that sense They Live in My Head is absolutely no exception.
SMILE, with their excellent debut "Price Of Progress", light heartedly demonstrate that post punk can still sound refreshing in 2023. They don't take their references as dogma, remain experimental, stubborn. Narrative, catchy, rough and cuddly, the subtle, poetic observations of singer Rubee True Fegan (USA) merge with the accomplished sound of a band that producer Olaf O.P.A.L. has put exactly where it belongs: on the starting block of innovative, smart and sensual guitar music. Price Of Progress" manifests the interplay of musical Sturm und Drang and the maturity of a reflective narrative perspective.
jaki Start 20:00 Doors 19:30
20 €/16 € red. Presale Please note: vendors of presale-tickets may charge additional fees. 22 €/18 € red. Box Office
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