
Talking Kaput „Musikjournalist:innen auf erweiterten Pop-Pfaden – Sind Musikkritiker:innen die besseren Musiker:innen, Autor:innen und Djs?"

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Ariana Zustra
Ariana Zustra, born 1987 in Dubrovnik, lives as a freelance journalist and musician in Berlin. After studying cultural studies and sociology, she completed a traineeship at Rolling Stone and training at the Reportage School and the Axel Springer Academy. As an author she writes for Musikexpress and Spiegel Online, among others, and as an editor she works for the sustainability magazine Perspective Daily. As a moderator and speaker she could be seen at the re:publica. She is also a critic on radioeins' programme "Soundcheck - Das musikalische Quartett". With her essay about blackfishing in "kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop" she won the International Music Journalism Award of the Reeperbahnfestival in 2020. Since 2019 she has been working as a freelance editorial director for the young classical music institution PODIUM Esslingen, for example for their project #beethoven. As ZUSTRA, she publishes her own music, which has been played on BBC Radio 6, among others. The city magazine tip Berlin voted her into the list of the most important newcomers 2021. Her debut album "The Dream Of Reason" will be released in autumn 2021.

Sebastian Ingenhoff
Sebastian Ingenhoff, born 1978, has worked as a cultural journalist and written for magazines such as Intro, Spex, Groove and Missy Magazine. He is also co-owner of the Cologne-based label baumusik and one half of the electronic duo Camp Inc. In 2006, Sebastian Ingenhoff published the short novel "Rubikon" with Ventil Verlag.

Juliane Liebert
Juliane Liebert, born in 1989 in Halle an der Saale, studied at the Berlin University of the Arts and works as a freelance author and journalist, among others for the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Zeit and Der Spiegel. She writes prose and poetry and has published several books, most recently "Hurensöhne! Über die Schönheit und Notwendigkeit des Schimpfens" (starfruit publications, 2020). Juliane Liebert lives in Berlin.

"Talking Köln" is a series of events by Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop.

Table for 2: 10,00 €
Table for 4: 20,00 €

Thu, 15.07.2021
Word Highlight!

GREEN ROOM Start 19:00

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